Title: MANTRA DIVIT Lord Balaji Idol Face | Copper Made Venkateshwara Swamy Idol (24k Gold Plated Finish), Tirupati Balaji Murti God Idol For Home Decoration, Car Dashboard, Pooja Room, Gifting (2” Height)
Listing Content:
Copper Grace: Elegantly crafted with 100% pure copper and a (Gold plated finish), this Mantra’s Tirupati balaji idol invites serenity, prosperity, and positivity into your home.
Exquisite Craftsmanship: Hand-crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this god Balaji murti is a stunning testament to the skill of Mantra’s expert artisans. This idol perfectly captures the divine essence of lord Venkateswara swamy.
Symbol of Blessings: This Lord Balaji idol symbolizes prosperity, good fortune, and blessings for overcoming challenges. Venkateshwara swamy’s serene eyes and gentle smile inspire feelings of peace and tranquillity, removing negativity from your surroundings.
Peace & Protection: Experience long lasting elegance and assured peace of mind with Mantra’s 1-year warranty for gold plating. Mantra’s Tirupati Balaji god idol is made of solid copper metal coated with pure 24K gold.
Perfect Gift: An ideal addition to your pooja room, car dashboard, office desk or the perfect gifting item for house warming, anniversaries, and festivals. Your home or car deserves this elegant work of art with spiritual essence